Sprouts at home

An edible garden in the kitchen

A seed is like a little life capsule. Add a bit of water, and it blossoms into a new plant. Germinated seeds are nutrition powerhouses, offering a fantastic source of plant protein and boasting antioxidant properties that combat free radicals. Growing sprouts at home is a simple and enjoyable way to enhance our health—give it a try!

How do I do it?

To create a varied sprout pantry, start by choosing seeds of legumes, cereals or vegetables that are organically grown and have not been treated with chemicals. Sprouters are available on the market, but you can improvise one using a non-metal container.

Here are the step-by-step instructions

  1. Put a tablespoon of seeds in a glass jar, cover with water and leave to soak for 3-24 hours to hydrate well.
  2. Rinse and drain the seeds well and place them in the germinator, well spread out. Then cover the tray with a hood or the jar with gauze to protect them from draughts and mould.
  3. It is important to maintain a room temperature of 20-21°C during the whole process. Place the germinator in a dark place and cover it with a cloth as if it were in the ground. The seeds should be kept moist, but not submerged. Let them stand for 24 hours.
  4. Wash everything well, flush and spread the seeds out again. Let stand in a dark place and repeat this step for 2 or 3 days.
  5. When the seeds start to germinate, (with a 1-2 cm sprout) wash with water and thoroughly clean the sprouts to remove the seeds that have not germinated and the husks from the sprouts.
  6. Once clean and moist, cover them again with the bell or cover the glass jar with the gauze.
  7. Leave them in natural light (but not in direct sunlight) for a couple of days to allow the chlorophyll to develop.

And then what do I do with them?

Use them to add a special touch to your creams and gazpachos, for example in the beetroot gazpacho. Not only will they add aesthetics to your presentation, but they will also make it a more complete and nutritious dish.

Are you up for growing them?