Chicken Nuggets with Pickle Mayo Dip

Chicken Nuggets with Pickle Mayo Dip

3.0 6 Bewertungen
Vorbereitung 25 Min
Gesamt 1 Std.
18 pieces


Chicken Nuggets
  • dried lentils
    100 g
  • toasted sesame seeds
    25 g
  • cornflakes vegan and gluten free (see tip)
    60 g
  • sweet paprika
    ½ tsp
  • fine sea salt
    4 pinches
  • ground black pepper
    2 pinches
  • garlic cloves
  • onions quartered
    50 g
  • fresh parsley leaves only, to taste
    5 - 6 sprigs
  • chicken thighs, boneless and skinless diced (3 cm)
    350 g
  • soy yoghurt
    120 g
Pickle Mayo Dip
  • sunflower oil
    350 g
  • pickled gherkins cut in pieces
    10 g
  • pitted black olives
    20 g
  • pickled pearl onions
    10 g
  • pickled capers
    10 g
  • roasted red peppers, preserved cut in pieces
    40 g
  • garlic clove
  • soya milk
    100 g
  • Dijon mustard
    20 g
  • fine sea salt
    2 pinches

Nährwerte pro 1 piece

Kalorien 247.9 kcal / 1037.1 kJ
Protein 5.2 g
Fett 22.1 g
Kohlenhydrate 8.4 g
Ballaststoff 1.2 g
Gesättigte Fettsäuren 3.1 g
Natrium 155.8 mg

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