Limoncello Sorbet with Mint and Basil

Limoncello Sorbet with Mint and Basil

5.0 7 Bewertungen
Vorbereitung 15 Min
Gesamt 18 Std. 25 Min
6 portions


  • water
    14 oz
  • caster sugar
    6 ½ oz
  • limoncello (liqueur) plus 6 tsp, to drizzle for garnish
    4 oz
  • lemon juice (approx. 6 lemons)
    5 ½ oz
  • fresh mint leaves plus extra, cut in strips, to garnish
  • fresh basil leaves plus extra, cut in strips, to garnish
  • lemon peel cut into strips, to garnish

Nährwerte pro 1 portion

Kalorien 188 kcal / 798 kJ
Protein 0.3 g
Fett 0.1 g
Kohlenhydrate 43 g

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