Bananas with spiced caramel sauce

Bananas with spiced caramel sauce

3.3 3 Bewertungen
Vorbereitung 10 Min
Gesamt 1 Std. 50 Min
4 portions


Spiced caramel sauce
  • water
    1090 g
  • white sugar
    300 g
  • lemon juice
    1 tsp
  • ground cinnamon
    ½ tsp
  • nutmeg
    3 pinches
  • cardamom pods crushed
  • natural vanilla extract
    ½ tsp
  • star anise
  • white vinegar
    1 tbsp
  • bananas (small) or 6 medium bananas
  • salted butter cut into pieces
    1 - 2 tbsp

Nährwerte pro 1 portion

Kalorien 643.8 kcal / 2693.8 kJ
Protein 4 g
Fett 5.5 g
Kohlenhydrate 155.1 g
Ballaststoff 9.4 g
Gesättigte Fettsäuren 3.1 g
Natrium 49.7 mg

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