Spicy Udon Noodles with Tempeh (Matthew Kenney)

Spicy Udon Noodles with Tempeh (Matthew Kenney)

4.0 2 Bewertungen
Vorbereitung 15 Min
Gesamt 5 Std. 40 Min
6 portions


  • cashews
    155 g
  • water to soak
Paprika Oil
  • extra virgin olive oil
    60 g
  • smoked paprika
    1 ½ tsp
Spicy Cashew Tare
  • hoisin sauce
    155 g
  • miso paste chickpea (see Tips)
    70 g
  • veggie tsuyu (vegetable fond)
    70 g
  • agave syrup
    30 g
  • togarashi powder
    1 tsp
Shiitake Dashi
  • water
    1420 g
  • dried shiitake mushroom thinly sliced
    85 g
  • kombu (approx. 3-4 large sheets)
    15 g
Udon Noodles
  • water
    1420 g
  • extra virgin olive oil to fry
    1 - 2 tbsp
  • tempeh cut into pieces
    170 g
  • red chilli oil
    1 tbsp
  • udon noodle
    340 g
  • edible flowers to garnish

Nährwerte pro 1 portion

Kalorien 674.1 kcal / 2820.3 kJ
Protein 22.8 g
Fett 31.8 g
Kohlenhydrate 80.1 g
Ballaststoff 6.1 g
Gesättigte Fettsäuren 5.8 g
Natrium 914.2 mg

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