Spring rolls with vegetable filling (Thermomix® Cutter)

Spring rolls with vegetable filling (Thermomix® Cutter)

5.0 2 Bewertungen
Vorbereitung 45 Min
Gesamt 1 Std.
10 pieces


  • fresh shiitake mushrooms whole, stems removed (approx. 6-7 mushrooms)
    100 g
  • white cabbage thickest part of the core removed, cut into 1-2 wedges to fit through feeder
    150 g
  • zucchini unpeeled and trimmed
    200 g
  • carrot peeled and trimmed
    100 g
  • garlic clove
  • fresh red chilli cut into pieces
  • sesame oil
    40 g
  • white sugar
    2 tsp
  • fish sauce
    2 tsp
  • soy sauce
    2 tsp
  • oyster sauce
    40 g
  • bean sprouts
    50 g
  • spring roll pastry sheets (21 cm)
    14 pieces
  • vegetable oil to fry
  • sweet chilli sauce to serve

Nährwerte pro 1 piece

Kalorien 90.5 kcal / 378.5 kJ
Protein 2.1 g
Fett 4.6 g
Kohlenhydrate 10.9 g
Ballaststoff 1.7 g
Gesättigte Fettsäuren 0.6 g
Natrium 337.3 mg

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