Camille Carrot and Almond Cakes

Camille Carrot and Almond Cakes

3.7 6 Bewertungen
Vorbereitung 10 Min
Gesamt 1 Std. 35 Min
12 pieces


  • raw sugar
    200 g
  • almonds
    50 g
  • carrots cut in pieces (3 cm)
    200 g
  • orange juice (approx. 1½ oranges)
    90 g
  • grapeseed oil
    100 g
  • whole milk
    100 g
  • plain flour
    300 g
  • eggs
  • fine sea salt
    1 pinch
  • baking powder
    2 tsp
  • flaked almonds for garnishing
    40 g

Nährwerte pro 1 piece

Kalorien 312 kcal / 1249 kJ
Protein 5.9 g
Fett 14 g
Kohlenhydrate 37.2 g
Ballaststoff 2.3 g

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