Nectarine and Prosciutto Spelt Pizza with Balsamic Glaze

Nectarine and Prosciutto Spelt Pizza with Balsamic Glaze

4.7 10 évaluations
Prép. 20min
Total 2h 35min
4 portions


  • water
    220 g
  • dried instant yeast
    2 tsp
    20 g fresh yeast, crumbled
  • spelt flour
    200 g
  • strong white bread flour plus extra for dusting
    200 g
  • olive oil plus extra for greasing
    20 g
  • fine sea salt
    1 tsp
Balsamic Reduction
  • balsamic vinegar
    250 g
  • granulated sugar
    25 g
  • red pepper pesto
    4 Tbsp
  • mozzarella sliced
    250 g
  • prosciutto torn in large pieces (approx. 80 g)
    6 slices
  • nectarines each sliced in 8 segments
  • fresh thyme leaves only
    4 sprigs
  • rocket leaves
    50 g

Infos nut. par 1 portion

Calories 769.3 kcal / 3218.8 kJ
Protides 36.6 g
Lipides 25 g
Glucides 100.1 g
Fibre 9 g
Graisses saturées 10.3 g
Sodium 1522.6 mg

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