Coleslaw with Thermomix® Cutter

Coleslaw with Thermomix® Cutter

4.5 2 évaluations
Prép. 10min
Total 10min
4 portions


  • apple, green unpeeled, cored and cut into wedges that fit through feeder tube
    100 g
  • carrot peeled and ends removed
    150 g
  • red onion (optionnel) halved vertically (approx. ½ onion)
    120 g
  • cabbage cored, cut into 1-2 wedges that fit through feeder tube
    200 g
  • salt to taste
    ½ tsp
  • black pepper, freshly ground to taste
    2 pinches
  • mayonnaise to taste
    4 tbsp

Infos nut. par 1 portion

Calories 163 kcal / 682 kJ
Protides 1 g
Lipides 13 g
Glucides 8 g
Fibre 3.9 g
Graisses saturées 6 g
Sodium 296 mg

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