Salmon with mango sauce, flat green beans and carrots

Salmon with mango sauce, flat green beans and carrots

4.0 ( 7 évaluations )


Salmon, carrots and beans

  • ½ - 1 tsp ground cayenne pepper
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 pinch ground nutmeg
  • 2 pinches ground white pepper
  • 4 fresh salmon fillets, skinless (150-180 g each, 4 cm thick)
  • 200 g carrots cut in pieces (approx. 2 mm)
  • 250 g flat green beans cut in halves

Mango sauce

  • 250 g mango flesh only, cut in pieces (approx. 3 cm)
  • 50 g brandy
  • 1 tsp curry powder
  • 300 g water
  • 100 g cream, min. 30% fat
  • 120 g plain yoghurt
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 1 pinch ground white pepper
  • 1 sprig fresh parsley leaves only, to garnish (optionnel)

Infos nut.
par 1 portion
513 kcal / 2144 kJ
37 g
28 g
18 g
4 g

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